Tucson massage, acupuncture, Naturopathic medicine, Chinese medicine, and chiropractic

Blog Articles - Massage, Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine

Do you have  undiagnosed low thyroid function?


Where do you go when no one is listening to your symptoms?  
Are you being told “it’s all in your head?”
Are you being told “learn to live with your symptoms?”


Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?

Tiredness, sluggishness, lethargy, chronic fatigue? Tired between 2-4 pm?
Have trouble sleeping? Waking up through the night?
Feeling cold (hands, fingers, feet)? Feeling foggy?
Constipation? Muscle cramps?
Weight gain easily? Craving sugar and carbohydrates?
Difficult in losing weight? Joint pain / muscle pain?
Hair loss?    Unable to get pregnant?
Low sex drive? Depressed & irritable?

You may have a Thyroid Problem!

It has been estimated that 56 million Americans have subclinical low thyroid function – 80% of Americans!  Many of which have not been diagnosed.  Subclinical low thyroid function is found in men, women and children.  There are 59 chronic debilitating diseases associated with subclinical hypothyroidism.  Many individuals have been diagnosed with one of these 59 chronic debilitating diseases, such as diabetes, headaches, migraines, tinnitus, high cholesterol, infertility, obesity, dementia, fibromyalgia, arthritis, vascular disease and cancer.  Untreated subclinical low thyroid function doubles the risk of developing Alzheimer's and can lead to an early death.   The largest increase of cancer in the USA is thyroid cancer. 

Submitted by Pristine Naturopathic Medicine, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders




Tucson Healing Arts - acupuncture,  Chinese medicine,  chiropractic,  massage, energy healing and naturopathic medicine




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